I read "ZOMBIES IN TOKYO" written by Andy Boon.

Suddenly, you stop. Now you know what smells so good. It's the girl!
"NO! STAY AWAY!"  she screams. 
However, you're not listening. You can only think about one thing.

 Main character of this story is reader self.
 And one day, you are ready to go work and go to the station. there is no one on both of street and station in Tokyo. You feel something different from usual, but you don't mind. And suddenly a police man told you "You must go back home and lock the door!!" But you don't know why, so you don't mind his word and go to the station.
 This is a start of bad events.
You meet many people and was relieved, but as time is passing, those people became Zombies! You have to escape Tokyo before to being bite from them, so you will go to mountain because you think the mountain is safe place. But on the way, you are bitten from a zombie and you gradually feel that you are hungry and want to eat human. not food….

This story reminds me of the Korean movie "新感染". This movie also related to Zombie. They are very similar. 
I don't like story whose genre of horror, so when I read this story, I gradually felt that there are somebody back myself, though there is actually no body.

・Zombie 【zɑ́mbi 】(ゾンビのように)死に体の、死んだも同然の
・Thunk 【θʌŋk】 ズドン(ドスン)という音
・Clang 【klǽŋ】金属がカーン(ガチャン)と鳴る



Goldilocks and the Bears

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ER2021 #2 (Apr.29)