Mission Victory

I read "Mission Victory" written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta.

The boys dived behind some boxes, but it was too late. 
They had been spotted. "Stowaways!" the man bellowed.
"Stowaways on board!" He grabbed the boys and dragged them up the steps.

 The main characters in this story are two boys, Wilf, and Chip. They are Time runners. This means they can travel back and forth between times.
One day, A boy is looking at the Time Web and is interested in the events that took place in the year 1809.  They traveled back in time to unravel the secrets of that historical event.  It was just at the time of the Battle of Trafalgar.
 The two men who went there were Wilf and Chip. However, they are soon found on the ship and caught as stowaways. They faced great danger, but managed to work on the ship. On board the ship, they do their assigned tasks and search for the Viran. On board the ship, the guns are being prepared and everyone on board is expecting their victory. However, Chip finds out, that the gun is set something bad, from his friends who are in the present day and he has a hunch who the Viran (the betrayer) is. But when they are near the guns to try to prove it, the sailors think it was a betrayal and...

 It was first time to read this story and It was too difficult to read this without dictionary. I could understand what happened in this story and what they did but it wasn't perfect. I couldn't understand the means of Viran. 
 After I read this, I thought the present day is the best period for me. I have a thought that I want to experience the different period's life, but if I can't go back soon like Wolf and Chip, I want never go back to period of Japan.

・murmur mə́ːrr】ささやく、つぶやく
・HMS victory イギリスの海軍の104門1等戦列艦
・unravel 【ʌnrǽvəl】解明される、ほどく
・tar 【tɑ́r 】 タールを含んだ、たばこのやに 、(船乗り)
・clatter 【klǽtər】カチャカチャ、ガタガタと鳴る、音を立てる
・stowaway 【stə́uəwèi】密航者
・lad 【lǽd】若者、向こう見ずの男
・Viran 犯人、悪党、敵
・sulfur 【sʌ́lfər】硫黄



Goldilocks and the Bears

Good time in Global Lounge

ER2021 #2 (Apr.29)